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I'm also going to make myself go downstairs && talk to the guy below us to see if we could possibly get a treadmill up in dis bish ;) I'm sure it'll be fine if I explain my situation && promise to only do it in like the middle of the day so its not as loud or annoying. he seems pretty chill anyways.
besides cleaning, I've also been hanging out w some friends more. I know that once ppl get into serious relationships pretty much all of their free time goes into spending it w their significant other. && I'm guilty of that. we both know it, so occasionally we try to do things w our friends on our own. yesterday I made a day of it. first went && hung out w one of my bestfriends, Ashley. we painted my face like the one && only David Bowie.. or Ziggy Stardust rather ;) I went to my moms work afterwards && definitely got some looks. it was pretty funny when ppl on the freeway didnt know what to make of it. its kind of funny to think now that I really dont care what ppl think of me. back in highschool I was the most insecure, shy chick who cared waaaaaaay too much of what ppl thought. as you can see, thats not the case anymore! I actually have confidence && a way different personality....

then later on in the night, I went && hungout w my twin Allie. she's leaving for AZ soon && it was sad seeing her pack. our friend Grebes also came over && we had a tbell run && watched part of the movie Hick (NetFlix). all of us used to hangout everyday then life got in the way && we havent seen much of eachother lately.
gotta go finish laundry && cleeeeeeeeeeeean!