I'm just so sick of that being thee way to look into someones life. its okay for family/friends out of town, but for the ones who are right here its aggravating. I dont post nearly as much as I used to. I dont really see the point. plus I'm mostly on twitter or instagram. && it doesnt matter how much you post there, l0l.
I'm kind of feeling like its borderline hospital time. I ran out of pulmozyme today && I always do this.. I just reordered it today. so it wont even be here til tuesday :(
I'm starting cayston early, as in tomorrow, to try to pick up the slack. I hate when I do this but I'm just so bad at getting things done. && I hate doing em too. I know something needs to get done && I want to stay on top of things, but I just dont. its so frustrating to my core.
so I'm blogging right && kitty just comes up && plops down where ever she feels like, which in this case was my left arm. whilst typing. she's so cute. && becoming a mamas girl.. shh ;)

so I'm gonna leave you w a fact:
which is totally totally true.
I dont care what anyone else has to say on the matter! :)
good thoughts. good wishes. good vibes. && so it is.