MAY = Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month !
alright so May is CF awareness month && I've been soo excited to bring more awareness to the cause. I've decided to post a picture a day on instagram&&facebook showing awareness && sharing info towards Cystic Fibrosis. I have links on the right to each website/app.
check em out if you wish.

I forgot to blog yesterday :(
but it was such a looong, eventful day that I have an excuse..
yesterday I got back from a girls trip that I took w my mama, sister, && niece. we went to seattle for the Woodland Park Zoo. I guess I went when I was real little, but I dont remember. so to me that was my first time :)
we saw soo many animals. there were even ones that I didnt expect in a zoo, like: owls, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, snails, bugs, wolves, elk, && more..
so since I'm like the only CF'r I know who doesnt exercise a whole lot (broken record, I know), yesterdays zoo activity was a lot of walking but I think I did surprisingly well. I dont recall coughing a whole lot while walking && my feet didnt even hurt til the very end when walking back to the car. we were probably there for like 3hrs too !
this morning I started noticing that when I cough stuff up, theres mostly blood in it. not dark, nor clumps. just light && streaky. I called my dr's office && they told me to just hold off on my cayston&&pulmozyme until sunday. I had to ask them like 3times if they were sure about it because those 2 are my only inhaled parts of my treatment. they understood && were sure, so the vest will be the only thing to do til then. so odd..
oh! soo a quick update about my transplant situation.. when they called me about going over all costs of the transplant, they made it sound like my insurance was going to cover everything. so I dont think I'll really need to fundraise for my actual transplant, but I was really looking forward to doing so! but I think I may still be able to do part for our expenses travel-wise, && the rest for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. as they always strive on donations. &&&& the best part about fundraising now is that its MAY :)
my mom is in charge/leader of my team: Natalie's Hope for the great strides walk. && this year our personal goal was to raise at least $500 && we've already exceeded! our team goal is a bit different, but its going soo great. I'm really proud of my mom, family, friends && acquaintances who are so supportive of the cause && are doing their part to help out. I appreciate everything so much. ❤❤
stay tuned for more CF glittertasticness this month
good thoughts. good vibes. good wishes. && so it is.
oh thankyouu! :)