for those of you who have read my blog before, or for who read it regularly (thankyou, btw), I am no longer sticking to the 'blogging every thursday' criteria. as you know, I've been getting bad w sticking to that due to me just plain forgetting.. so I will still update regularly, just not every thursday. && not even a specific day of the week anymore, just whenever my flittering heart feels the urge :)
what I've been up to....
-- got out of the hospital w only 1week of antibiotics under my belt
-- I have my primary care dr appt in 3days
-- finished my pap-smear
-- been doing okay on my new med doses (anxiety)
-- working on getting my bloodsugars down into the 100s && keeping them there
-- making myself eat
&& most importantly..
-- been allowing myself to leave my house for a couple hrs at a time && get out into the world again without a freakout!
• ..whats weird about my bloodsugars is that when they're like 200s/300 I feel sound. but when they drop into the 100s, I feel heavy&&shaky.. •
( Khaleesi, my faav! ) |
OMG. ohk so I've really been getting into Game of Thrones! I finally broke down && gave it a try since everyone else wouldnt stop raving about it. atleast I didnt start w anyone else ;) but anyways, I ended up downloading all 3seasons right away && I'm almost already thru w the first season. they're really short seasons btw, 10eps? really? are you serious?
my kitty has been acting really stubborn lately. my boyf thinks its because she's always trapped in our room && that she wants to venture out. but whenever I leave the door open, she just walks by it. she doesnt want to leave. even if she did, she cant go into the other bedroom (not allowed) && she's too scared to go downstairs so there's literally no where else for her to go. unless she just chills on the stairs, which she's done before. so she's been mad at me cuz I've been getting after her for splashing her water out of her bowl EVERYWHERE ELSE. this is 3x now here && at our old place, she used to just dig the water out w her paw onto the carpet. she acts out && we dont know why. well.. she did stop doing the digging of the water when she was accidentally let outside once. she got a taste && loved it. but I dont want her going outside til we atleast own her for a yr or so. so there's no confusion, of course.
oo! CF'rs, if havent already seen the 65_RedRoses documentary, its finalllly on NetFlix!
↓ check ittt ↓
quick confession: I dig +Miley Cyrus again.... kbye!
good wishes. good vibes. good thoughts. && so it is.